Movies with Muscle- next posting
There are plenty of Hollywood movies (& beyond) that have numerous appearances of female bodybuilders in them. Anything from cameos, to villains, allies or main characters your favorite hardbodied females can be seen in numerous roles.
The only problem I have with this, is they are not shown enough.
Future postings of movies with female bodybuilders in them will be called "Movies with Muscle".
The only problem I have with this, is they are not shown enough.
Future postings of movies with female bodybuilders in them will be called "Movies with Muscle".
At 11:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
ilove big muscles on a women
At 7:45 PM,
athletic tall-fan said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 7:51 PM,
athletic tall-fan said…
Sorry for not keeping up with this blog....I will start it up again, better than ever.
I must admit, I have always adored female bodybuilders who put on as much mass as they can.
If its possible for a 200 pound FBB to get up to 300 pounds of muscle, I would definately think she is a babe.
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
We all know there are a few movies with Female Bodybuilders in them, but what are some of them?Can anyone name a movie with a
At 3:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 3:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Here are some movies that I know have female bodybuilding interest in them:
1. Nemesis 2, Nemesis III - Sue Price, Debbis Muggli, Sharon Bruneau
2. Skin Deep - Raye Hollitt (fun movie with John Ritter)
3. Napolean Dynamite - Carmen Brady
4. Getting Physical - Alexandra Paul
5. Pumping Iron II The Women - Rachel McLish, Bev Francis, Carla Dunlap etc.
6. The Cell - Brief scene with Kim Chizevsky
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I´ve been watching female bodybuilders since a long time ago. I found it very sexy, healthy and atractive as a man. In fact, my wife is an ex-bodybuilder who beats me so easily that I can´t even open my mouth when she gets angry. I love her and I will do, even if I die. The only bad thing, is that I´m loosing my sexual power since I´ve been so overwelming beating by her still amazing muscles. And I´m afraid that she will be looking for a very strong man who can give her the sex she wants.
At 4:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its great I found this place every one I've told buff chicks are hot has said I'm crazy good to see guys with thier heads on straight
At 12:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
I like women's "fitness" competitions MUCH better than womens' body building. This degree of muscles (to me) is a turn-off. I can understand where ATF is coming from and I'm not disparaging him, everyone is entitled to their own preference. For example, both ATF and I love taller girls/women. ATF's ideal woman is probably 6'4" and super ripped with lots of big muscles. My ideal woman on the other hand is about 6'3" or 6'4" and toned/athletic and slender like Gabby Reece or Maria Sharapova!
Toned deltoids, hard thighs, taut abs, nice lanky calves, firm butt? Absolutely! But bulging muslces, no! But I still respect these women, they are showing what a woman can do with her body. Nothing wrong with that. It's just not my cup of tea!
At 3:42 AM,
athletic tall-fan said…
I am fairly flexible when it comes to tall ladies, but I do have a major love for any young ladies who are able to load over 220 pounds of muscle on their bodies. I would love to see more girls out there do this. And maybe someday see a girl reach the 6'5" mark, at the very ripped and muscular 350+ pounds! I would so want to be this babes boyfriend.
At 12:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
ATF, what about a girl 5'1" who is massive and ripped (for her size)?
At 4:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Numerous music videos have female bodybuilders in them (Kid Rock, Christina Aguilerra - spelling?, etc.). These women are slowly becoming more accepted by the mainstream but the powers that run their sport need to market the women better.
At 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm already planning on doing a feature film with some female bodybuilders. Can't really give you any names as I've been told to keep everything under wraps.
Watch this space..! lol
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